The Power of Purpose and Being Mission-Driven

One of the most important principles for being a visionary leader and creating post-pandemic business success is the power of purpose, and of being mission-driven. 

It is vital as a leader that you connect to your personal and professional purpose so you can create a mission-driven brand and culture that connects, inspires and attracts.  The more clear you are on your “why” as Simon Sinek calls it, on your authentic personal and professional passion and purpose, the more you can create a company with a mission, core values, culture and brand that is magnetic and attracts customers and clients, team members, investors and strategic partners. 

We were all born with a unique soul print for what we are here to do, be and create, and the most successful companies are led by leaders who are clear on their purpose, and that they are not just here to sell goods and services but to create a better world by improving people’s lives.  These leaders infuse their passion and sense of calling in their work and in the companies they lead. 

In this time of great challenge, people are being called to a higher purpose, and the more you can respond to this call, the more successful your business will be.

The Power of Intuition & Finding Disruptive Business Opportunities

Visionary Leaders access reality internally, and have the courage to listen to and follow their inner guidance, their intuition.  Steve Jobs said: “Most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, everything else is secondary.”  Einstein said that “the intuition is the sacred gift, and reason is a loyal servant, but in our society, we have honored the servant and forgotten the gift.” 

Through the power of your intuition and insight, you can find disruptive business opportunities in the current adversity, and create exponential growth in your business.  It starts with creating a clear vision for where you want to be, and then downloading ideas from infinite intelligence for what steps to take to move from where you are to get there.

3 Keys to the Entrepreneurial Mindset

Here are 3 Keys to the Entrepreneurial Mindset:

Visionary Thinking: Thinking beyond circumstances and creating a vision of what’s possible!

Resilience: Mental and emotional mastery, befriending fear and failure, and never, never, never, never, giving up!

Mindful Mindset: Developing the capacity to manage our nervous system with meditation, and mindfully breathing ourselves into the present moment throughout the day. 

The Power of Belief

“To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all, but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing.”

Abraham Lincoln

We all have tremendous believing power, the question is, what are we believing in? Are we believing in our conditions, our circumstances, our limitations? The things we can see? Are we believing that we cannot have and do and be what we would love?  Or are we believing in the unseen possibility, believing in the power of our vision, and the power within us that is greater than any circumstance, situation or condition?

As Eleanor Roosevelt says: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” It takes great courage to overcome our fears, to believe in the beauty of our dreams, to believe in the unseen. In the bible it says “it is done unto you as you believe” and if you “pray believing, you shall receive.”  Emerson and Thoreau called this transcendent thinking, or thinking and believing beyond circumstances – beyond what we can see.  They contrasted this with “common hour thinking” – which is what most people do – they believe only in the things they can see.

In his book “The Science of Getting Rich” Wallace Wattles said that it was the hardest thing in the world to think beyond appearances.  But, if we can think beyond our current circumstances, and create a crystal clear vision of the life, the business, the relationships, the health, the freedom, the career, we would love, we can spend time vividly imagining this vision as if it is already happening, and in so doing we can build a belief that this vision. And once we fully believe in this vision, it must be ours.

This is what the great creators and achievers have always done: Edison and Ford and the Wright Brothers and Einstein and JFK putting a man on the moon and Steve Jobs putting a thousand songs in our pocket.  And this power, the power of belief, is available for you as well.  As Steve Jobs said: “the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”.

How about you?